Tag: green
Cyclehoop and Witteveen+Bos first partnership design makes the BetterBankside shortlist!
Over the summer Cyclehoop and Witteveen+Bos joined forces to enter the Better Bankside design competition. The competition focused around a project that will trial a temporary reconfiguration of Lavington Street to a one-way street, and use the freed up road-space…
#FocusOn: The Green Bike Port
Reclaiming the streets has been a hot topic over the past few years with environmental sustainability being a key talking point within the debate. In London, streets occupy 80% of the accessible open space and with our dwindling green spaces,…
The Hackney Parklet re-locates
UK’s first San Francisco-style on street ‘Parklet’ which was installed in a redundant road space in Hackney back in July, transforming it into a sanctuary for people to sit, hang out and relax has since been relocated to a brand new home. Parklets are…
Cyclehoop design and install the first on-street Parklet in the UK
UK’s first San Francisco-style on street ‘parklet’ has been installed in a redundant road space in Hackney transforming it into a sanctuary for people to sit, hang out and relax. The borough’s parklet has been co-funded by Hackney Council using the…