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Author: Cyclehoop Team


Salford becomes the first area outside of London to trial the ‘Armadillo.’

Having successfully installed the award winning*  ‘Armadillos’ around several London boroughs over the past year, Cyclehoop, in partnership with Salford City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester, have taken the idea up North in a bid to improve Cycle safety…

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Southwark cyclists successfully bid to help create a greener, cleaner borough

The residents of Southwark are edging towards creating a cleaner, greener borough with the help of a successful bid for the cleaner greener safer fund. As part of this successful bid, Southwark Cyclists have decided to install our bike lockers…

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Our Public Bike Pumps get an upgrade!

Our Cyclehoop Public Bike Pumps have been installed across the UK and have been immensely popular with the public. We have worked with our customers to get their feedback in order to continually improve the design. The latest pumps now…

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Cyclehoop provide London College of Communication with 170 new cycle parking spaces

This week we completed installed three Cycle Compounds and two rows of Toast Racks at the London College of Communication at Elephant and Castle. These large cycle shelters can store bikes in multiples of 20 and provide great security. The five-hooped…

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Ramping it up in Bromley – helping to improve accessibility for cyclists

Cyclehoop Ltd in partnership with the London Borough of Bromley have recently installed three new bicycle ramps in the borough to help improve accessibility for cyclists and to reduce severance of bicycle routes into Bromley Town Centre caused by the…

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Introducing the ‘Armadillo,’ the latest cycle lane safety to hit the UK

As the recent number of road incidents involving cyclists in the capital prove, even supposedly ‘safe’ cycle lanes can no longer be relied upon as the safety mechanisms that they once were. Ensuring that cyclists tackle their daily commute without…

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Public Bike Pumps installed in Tower Hamlets

Cyclehoop are delighted to announce that we have installed four new Public Bike Pumps in heart of East London in the borough of Tower Hamlets. These are vandal proof pumps are made of stainless steel and have been installed on…

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Minimalist indoor bike rack designed for modern cycle storage in small city flats

This Bikeshelf is a modern solution for storing your bicycle inside your home and is designed to keep all your cycling gear together in one convenient and easy to access place. Many cyclists often find it difficult to store their…

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Cyclehoop provides over 300 temporary cycle parking spaces at the UK’s largest cycling Exhibition

The Cycle Show 2013 attracted thousands of cycling enthusiasts across the country to see the latest bikes and accessories. Cyclehoop provided over 300 temporary cycle parking spaces for visitors travelling by bike and for the various indoor cycling tracks. During…

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World’s first disco bike designed by Cyclehoop at the IBikeLondon Night Ride!

The keen cyclists and designers at Cyclehoop have built the world’s first mobile Disco Bike with a smoke machine! The bike features a disco ball, strobe lighting, 400w smoke machine, and was unveiled last week at the ‘IBikeLondon’ Night Ride….

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