The Mayor of London’s Cargo bike action plan was launched at the end of March, at the National Cargo Bike Summit.
Covering everything from infrastructure to rider safety, the document lays out plans, steps and guidance to encourage the uptake of cargo bikes for commercial and personal use.
Cycle parking for cargo bikes, an area that is close to our hearts at Cyclehoop, is given its own section, highlighting its importance in the success of implementing the plan.
“Providing cargo bike parking will encourage their use by giving them convenient spaces to park. This will also help to maintain a good reputation for cargo bikes and reduce the chance of cargo bikes clustering on pavements.”
Mayor of London’s Cargo bike action plan
We know from speaking to businesses and cargo bike users that easily accessible short- and long-term parking is a barrier to entry for many potential users. We also have a wealth of experience from our maintenance team who use cargo bikes to visit and service our fleet of Bikehangars across London. These conversations and experiences have fed into the design of our Cargo Bikehangar and Cargo Corral.

“Secure cargo bike storage on the street is essential if families are to be supported to give up their cars and choose active travel…this should now be a priority for all urban authorities.”
Will Prochaska, father of 3, received a removal notice for his cargo bike
Parking in the carriageway
Both products allow local authorities to reallocate carriageway space for cargo bike parking. This makes access easier for users as they don’t have to navigate drop kerbs, and encourages greener modes of transport over private car use. London Borough of Lambeth’s recently published Kerbside Strategy sets goals for the reallocation of kerbside use and active travel targets.
The Cargo bike action plan also identifies the need for the parking to be situated in the carriageway, stating:
“On-street spaces in the right places cause less conflict with pedestrians and are preferable to parking on a footway or pavement.”
The Cargo Corral protects users and bikes from carriageway traffic with its steel end frames and planters – which also make the spaces an attractive addition to high streets and town centres. Users can then unload and disembark safely onto the pavement. Users of the Cargo Bikehangar are protected by reflective marker bollards that also delineate the space, preventing vehicles from blocking access and ensuring users can safely operate the door.

Additional security requirements for cargo bikes
The Cargo Bikehangar has Sold Secure Powered Cycle and Pedal Cycle Diamond accreditation. Along with the Bikehangar, it is the only cycle storage solution on the market to have achieved this. As highlighted in the action plan, “cargo bikes and their cargoes are high-value items.” The Cargo Bikehangar is therefore the perfect product to “offer riders a sense of security when parking.”

We are keen to support this vision of fewer cars and vans on the road through the delivery of user-friendly cargo bike parking. As illustrated by Cyclehoop Founder and Design Director, Anthny Lau who presented at the National Cargo Bike Summit:
“We know that providing secure parking is a key barrier to ownership of these bikes. Our vision is to see end-to-end cargo biking solutions at the home and at places of work and leisure. I would love to see our Cargo Bikehangers at the end of every street with Cargo Corrals on every high street.”
The Cyclehoop team are well placed to advise on the best cargo bike parking solutions for any given location. If you have questions or just want to find out more about the product range, get in touch by email or phone 020 8699 1338.