Our on street Bikehangars are being trialled in the Scottish capital to overcome the frustrating issue of parked bicycles cluttering up communal stairwells.
Edinburgh is the first Scottish local authority to pilot the on-street cycle parking as part of a partnership with CHAMP – a European project that promotes cycling.
Allan Tinto, city transport officer said the bikehangars could be rolled out across the Capital if the pilot proved successful.
Transport convener Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “Hopefully we can look at installing the racks in other parts of the city which are all high tenement areas. You only have to go into a tenement to see bikes blocking the stairs and that can be quite dangerous.”
An affordable small rental fee of £5 per month is proposed to cover maintenance cost.
The arduous task of carrying cycles up and down flights of stairs to flats can be a huge barrier to cycling, we hope that this will encourage more would be cyclists to get on their bikes around Edinburgh.
To find out more information about our rentals scheme and where other bikehangars are located, take a look at our rentals page.