This month, Dundee City Council and Cyclehoop installed 32 new Bikehangars as part of a project to improve cycle infrastructure in the city. The aim is to make cycling a viable option for all, reducing reliance on cars for travel.
With a further eight Bikehangars planned for Huntly, Douglas, West End Lanes, Cleghorn Street area, Dunbar Park and Pentland, the scheme will provide secure, weatherproof cycle parking for 240 bikes.

Applying for a space
Residents who would like a space in a Bikehangar can view all of the current locations on a map at Applying for a space is simple and access will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
A postcode search will highlight the nearest units to your home (the remaining eight will be added to the map upon installation). Users can then follow the onscreen instructions to apply for a slot. Where space is available, an offer will be sent by email. In cases where the unit is fully subscribed, applicants can join the waiting list.
An annual subscription costs £11 and can be paid online through a payment link or over the phone.
If you can’t find a Bikehangar in your area (don’t forget there are still Bikehangars to be installed in Huntly, Douglas, West End Lanes, Cleghorn Street area, Dunbar Park and Pentland), you can suggest a location through our website.
Dundee Council plan to install more units in the future and the information collected through this service will be used as part of the decision-making process.

Bikehangar 4.0
Security is at the heart of the Bikehangar design. Now in its fourth generation, it has been continuously updated with new security features. The Cyclehoop design team monitor and analyse methods of attack, and develop new features to eliminate them. The Bikehangar 4.0 has been rigorously tested and has achieved Sold Secure Powered Cycle and Pedal Cycle Diamond accreditation – the highest grade achievable.

This means the unit has withstood five minutes of attack by security experts using hand tools and a power drill, and 90 seconds of attack with an angle grinder.
The scheme was funded by Dundee City Council, the Air Quality Action Plan Grant and the Cycling Friendly Social Housing Partnership Fund.
Paul Downie, programme manager at Cycling Scotland said: “A lack of safe and easily accessible cycle storage is one of the biggest barriers to people owning and using a bike.
“As such, we’re very pleased to have worked closely with Dundee City Council to help fund fairer access to secure cycle storage for Dundee residents, a key step in enabling more people to cycle and choose an affordable and sustainable way to travel for everyday journeys.”
Future plans
Anthony Lau, Founder and Design Director at Cyclehoop, said, “we have worked with Dundee City Council to identify locations which will benefit most from the installation of Bikehangars. With other schemes in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, we have seen an increase in the number of people choosing to cycle with continued growth in demand for spaces in our units. Anything that encourages active travel is a positive in our book!”
These 40 units will hopefully be the first of many, as the council roles out other programs to improve cycle infrastructure.