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Hammersmith and Fulham reach 100 Bikehangars – 5 tips for a successful rollout

In 2024 the Bikehangar scheme in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham passed the one hundred mark; a major milestone and a big boost for residents.

Though the borough started the scheme back in 2018, delivery ramped up significantly this year, with an impressive sixty-three installations. So what’s the secret to their success? We met with Philippa Robb, Senior Smarter Transport Officer and her team at their one hundredth Bikehangar to celebrate and reflect on the work involved.

Below are five key steps that will help local authorities set up and roll-out a secure residential cycle parking scheme:

1. Assemble a team

From consultations and location planning through to traffic regulation orders and parking suspensions, a Bikehangar scheme has many elements across different departments in local government. Building a team to co-ordinate these processes is essential.

2. Prepare for consultation.

Consultation with residents and community groups helps demonstrate demand, but inevitably includes objections. Prepare responses to common sticking points such as re-allocating car parking spaces. Space for bikes can mitigate car parking problems! We canvas for locations, consider asking positive respondents whether they would be happy to have a Bikehangar directly outside their residence.

Taking local residents on the journey with you will not only increase uptake but is more likely to ensure the Bikehangars are located where there is demand.

3. Experience and communication are key

A Bikehangar roll-out has many moving parts; good communication ensures that the process runs smoothly and efficiently. With over ten years’ experience installing and managing residential cycle parking on behalf of local authorities, our vast knowledge helps us foresee potential problems and feedback to our clients.

4. Seek out funding

In the present financial climate, many authorities are feeling the squeeze. However, grant funding is available, such as the Active Travel Fund, or through charities including Sustrans. Councils can also save by forgoing expensive procurement procedures and purchasing Cyclehoop Bikehangars through the NHS Shared Businesses Sustainable infrastructure Framework.

5. Have an external comms plan

Although the majority of Bikehangar spaces are filled immediately, publicising the scheme is important to stimulate uptake. Where the spaces are already fully subscribed, waiting list numbers are a great way to demonstrate demand and build a strong case for expanding the scheme.

Do you have questions about how to start or expand a residential cycle parking scheme? Contact our expert team:
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