AFCO show they Love to Ride in the National Cycling Challenge

September 2016 was a big month for cycling. Not only did we see the annual Cycle to Work Day which saw 675,506 miles pledged, it was also the National Cycling Challenge, that ran through the entire month, clocking up a whopping 2,282,774 miles. That’s a total of 2,958,280 miles which is the equivalent of travelling to the moon and back 6 times. Phew!

The National Cycling Challenge is a fun and free competition that encourages employees and workplaces to get on their bikes to make a more carbon friendly journey to their destination. This healthy competition incorporates a leader board system where people from different organisations can compete in a friendly way with each other.

Cyclehoop were delighted to partner with Love to Ride for this year’s challenge for the 2nd year in a row by offering 5 prizes across the winning categories.

First up is the winners of the smallest category (7-19 employees).

AFCO (Armed Forces Careers Office) are a small organisation based in Lincoln who came across the competition by stumbling across a leaflet in Lincoln town centre (nice work Love to Ride).

Sgt Mick Speight (ResLO) headed up the team as the Cycling Champion by encouraging his team members to get on their bikes and roll into work. He managed to build interest from an initial 3 people to 18 within the four weeks. After a colossal month of riding the team finally tipped the leader board. The final result was that 72% of the AFCO cycled 1,813 miles and saved 358kg CO2 throughout the month.

The winners were visited by Sarah Hubery (Lincolnshire Love to Ride organiser) who presented them with their well-deserved prize, a Stainless Steel Cyclehoop Wall Anchor, a Love to Ride certificate and some cupcakes!

Sgt Mick Speight (ResLO) says:

‘All of the staff are extremely proud  of their achievement and the wall anchor is a reminder of this achievement. The prize will be helpful for all staff to secure their bikes. Well done to all – massive achievement’

Well done guys!

Watch out for upcoming Love to Ride competitions here: