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Why cycle parking is so important for NHS sites – Bristol Central Health Clinic Bikehangars

High quality cycle parking is a key resource for NHS sites to help reduce car parking pressures and meet sustainability targets. Cyclehoop worked with Central Health Clinic in Bristol to install three Bikehangars, enabling staff to commute by bike.

Reducing transport emissions is an important element of the NHS net zero strategy. Equipping staff with the facilities to cycle is an effective way to encourage active travel and reduce car dependency.

Like many NHS sites, Central Health Clinic faced the problem of limited car parking and inadequate cycle parking. Bikes were previously stored in an outdoor cage with vertical racking that proved difficult and unsafe for users.

The facilities team explored several options which were deemed either too expensive or impractical for the space available. With six, secure weatherproof cycle parking spaces, and no requirement for additional groundwork or assembly, the Bikehangar was the perfect solution.

As many staff at the clinic work on rotation or between multiple sites, the turnover of users is high. This makes administering physical keys impractical. Instead, the Bikehangars were fitted with the Airkey digital access system, allowing both fob and smartphone access. Staff can operate any of the three Bikehangars with the same device, giving them access to 18 secure spaces in total.

Procurement can be a lengthy and expensive process, however, the Bikehangar range is approved on the NHS Shared Business Services Sustainable Infrastructure framework. This allows public sector organisations to order via the framework and bypass the standard procurement and tendering process.

Cyclehoop are delighted to make cycling a practical and convenient option for staff at Bristol Central Health Clinic. For advice or guidance on cycle parking for your site, please contact our friendly sales team.

Contact Us

Cyclehoop have been very supportive and helpful when we’ve hit a few problems. When we had the attempted break-ins, they were really quick to respond and get someone here to fix them
Vicki Staatz Clinical Information Systems Manager - NHS Central Health Clinic Bristol